It looks like I might actually be able to post often enough to make this blog a thing for me. I'm not sure I'm terribly worried if anyone other than my Mom and Grandma read it, since really I started putting crafts up here so they could see them. Perhaps someday it will entertain someone else too!
As I said in my last post, the real purpose of getting my sewing machine was to try to make a baby quilt for my friend E. We chatted about designs that she would love and things I thought I would be able to do with my limited machine sewing experience. We are both complete geeks and love old video games, as does her husband. I thought and thought and hunted around through the crafty blogs and I just wasn't seeing quite what I wanted.
Then I had a brain flash: Space Invaders! Eight bit games are totally easy to make into quilts because they are already just blocks. And Space Invaders is the ultimate original geek game. I talked to E. and she loved the idea as much as I did. She said her husband even did a little happy dance when she told what I wanted to do.
I should probably have been more intimidated by designing my own pattern, but it doesn't seem that different from designing cross stitch patterns, which I do all the time. I spent a ton of time sketching out characters on graph paper and then remembered that I have the magic power of technology.
Excel is awesome for doing cross stitch patterns, so why not quilts too? I can make that work! I just select all and set each column and row to 20 pixels, so I have totally perfect, even squares to work with. I redid the characters in there and it was all much easier to plan! It took quite awhile to choose which characters I wanted to use. There are actually four characters, but I could not figure out how to fit all of them on a baby quilt without having to use 1" or 2" squares and that sounded like a lot of really small sewing!
It took awhile, but I decided these two were the cutest:
I spent days playing with different ideas and arrangements and sizes. I thought about doing smaller characters and laying them out like the game itself, but I realized it would a) take for ever and b) be likely beyond my skill set.
After days of playing around, I decided on doing two large characters and making the quilt slightly larger than a normal crib quilt. In the end, I ended up with this fantastic design that I am completely excited to make.
With the grid of where the squares will be:
I pulled out the grid, so I could see what it would look like and be sure I was really happy with it. I have no idea how I'm going to quilt this so that it still looks like Space Invaders, but I will find a way!
Now - to get the many, many squares cut and measured, so I can get moving before E's daughter makes it to 6 months!
Wish me luck.
Outstanding.... the Excel tip is huge.... I was looking for graph paper... doh!